Adding syntax for MySQL to WordPress plugin Crayon Syntax Highlighter
… or how to make Crayon Syntax Highlighter speak „MySQL“
First – if not already done – you have to download and install Crayon Syntax Highlighter.
Then just extract the following zip file and copy the mysql
folder into the following directory and your done:
Here is the download link for the add-on: (2337 Downloads )
And this is how it looks like with the new add-on installed:
-- a comment SET NAMES 'utf8'; # another comment DROP TABLE item; DROP DATABASE `shop`; /* * and another comment */ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `trigger_item`; DELIMITER // CREATE TRIGGER `trigger_item` AFTER UPDATE ON `item` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF COALESCE(NEW.value, -1) <> COALESCE(OLD.value, -1) THEN INSERT INTO item_log (item_id, old, new, inserted) VALUES (NEW.item_id, OLD.value, NEW.value, NOW()); END IF; END // DELIMITER ; CREATE TABLE `item` ( `item_id` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `value` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `category` enum('lifestyle', 'it', 'unknown') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown', `inserted` date NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; SELECT i.item_id AS `ItemID`, i.category AS Category, FLOOR(i.category / 100) AS Catalog, CONCAT(i.value, ' ', SUM(r.amount), ' hits') AS `Hits`, DATE_FORMAT(i.inserted, '%d.%m.%Y') AS `Datum`, IF(i.category = 'lifestyle', 'cool', '') AS `Feedback`, IFNULL ( i.category, 'buggy' ) AS CategorySomething -- not nice but works: there should be no whitespace between function name and the bracket FROM item AS i LEFT JOIN rate AS r USE INDEX( -- not nice but works: there should be a whitespace between the reserved word and the bracket idx_item_rate ) ON ( i.item_id = r.item_id AND r.is_active = 1 ) WHERE i.article_id = 12345 AND i.category IN('lifestyle', 'it') AND( i.value IS NOT NULL OR i.inserted > NOW() - INTERVAL 10 HOUR OR HOUR(i.inserted) = 8 OR i.inserted BETWEEN '2013-01-01' AND CURDATE() OR i.value REGEXP "abc" ) GROUP BY `ItemID` HAVING Catalog = 12 ORDER BY Category ASC, `Hits` DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 10 ;
Of course the sql statements don’t really make sense. It’s just an example for the syntax highlighting.